I’m happy to consider Ph.D candidates who are passionate, focused and motivated towards conducting research in the area of Computer Networks and Network Security. See my research interests section for detailed research interests. Available PhD positions are advertised in www.jobs.ac.uk and/or in our University webpage:
(select appropriately depending on how you would like to be funded).
Please, note that when applying you need to prepare a research proposal in an area you are interested, so that the University can clarify to which group/people should your application be forwarded. Then, potential supervisors determine, whether you have appropriate skills and a deep interest for research in an area compatible to the supervisor’s interests.
Note that applications seeking funding are considered by the admissions team, rather than me, considering many strong applicants.
Please do NOT send me emails with your C.V., personal statement, transcripts etc, but rather apply after clicking on the above link.
Current PhD Students
- Lincoln Kiarie, Machine Learning for Decision Making in Computer Network Operations (1st supervisor)
- Arthur Cheong, Digital technologies for enabling predictive analytics on Business Management Systems (1st supervisor)
- Jeanetta Zotter, Cloud Assisted Smart Factories (2nd supervisor)
- Mayyar Ghulman, Evaluating Passenger Satisfaction with Bus Services Using Subjective and Objective Measures (2nd supervisor)
- Jeremiah Eyoh, Predictive Control Analytics for Sustainable Life Cycle Management of Complex Engineering Systems (2nd supervisor)
Graduated PhD Students
- Solomon Osei, co-supervised with Loughborough University London.
PhD Thesis title: “Multi-agent-based DDoS detection on big data systems”, 2018 - Ginés Escudero-Andreu,
PhD Thesis title: “Protection of Mobile and Wireless Networks Against Service Availability Attacks”, 2018 - Timothy Chadza,
PhD Thesis title: “Hidden Markov models for detecting and predicting sequential network attacks” - Yining Hua, co-supervised with Computer Science in Loughborough University
PhD Thesis title: “Distributed caching in the future generation networks” - Matt Beechey, Evidence Theory Based Machine Learning Approaches for Network Security